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Networked communication, social trust, and activism

Focusing on the shifting communication environment, this line of research investigates the temporal dynamics of (mis/dis)information flows in the networked environment and how they shape understandings of dissimilar social groups and activism among marginalized populations.

A prominent line of inquiry looks at the role of networked communication in gendered justice and surrounding political discourses, as in the case of #MeToo movement.

Context, community, and polarization

I examine how social contexts and structural inequalities surrounding individuals interplay with networked communication flows to shape political judgments about different social and political groups. I emphasize the importance of understanding communication patterns and public opinion formation across differing levels of social, cultural, and political structures.


Computational social science

Throughout my research, I employ computational approaches to identify networked communication flows, often triangulating with other social science methods from quantitative (survey, content analysis) to qualitative (text analysis, interviews).


In particular, I use natural language processing, network analysis, community detection, supervised/unsupervised machine learning, and spatial analysis.

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