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Computational Social Science

Select publications

Suk, J., Zhang, Y., Yue, Z., Wang, R., Dong, X., Yang, D., & Lian, R. (2023). When the per-sonal becomes political: Unpacking the dynamics of sexual violence and gender justice dis-courses across four social media platforms. Communication Research.


Suk, J., Lukito, J., Su, M., Kim, S. J., Tong, C., Sun, Z., & Sarma, P. Do I sound American? (2022). How Message Attributes of IRA Disinformation Relate to Twitter Engagement. Computational Communication Research. [Preprint] [Codes]


Suk, J., Abhishek, A., Zhang, Y., Ahn, S. Y., Correa, T., Garlough, C., & Shah, D. V. (2019). #MeToo, Networked Acknowledgment, and Connective Action: How "Empowerment Through Empathy" Launched a Social Movement. Social Science Computer Review. [Link]

Ghosh, S., Su, M., Aman, A., Suk, J., Tong, C., Hills, O., Correa, T., Garlough, C., Borah, P., & Shah, D. (2020). Covering #MeToo Across the News Spectrum: Political Accusation and Public Events as Drivers of Press Attention. International Journal of Press/Politics. [Link


Zhang, Y., Shah, D., Foley, J., Abhishek, A., Lukito, J., Suk, J., Kim, S., Sun, Z., Pevehouse, J. & Garlough, C. (2019). Whose Lives Matter? Mass Shootings and Social Media Discourses of Sympathy and Policy, 2012-2014. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 24(4), 182-202. [Link]


Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Foley, J., Suk, J., & Conathan, D. (2017, July). Tweeting mass shootings: the dynamics of issue attention on social media. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Social Media & Society (pp. 1-5).

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